blog — periodized training

Understanding Cumulative Fatigue and How It Affects Your Peak Training Weeks

cumulative fatigue periodized training racing running running by effort

If you're deep into marathon training, you might have noticed that there are certain weeks when everything feels harder. Your legs feel heavy, your energy is low, and even your motivation can start to wane.

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Should Your FTP Be at Its Lowest in January?

FTP nuance periodized training train smarter not harder

By understanding how FTP fits into your annual training progression, you’ll set yourself up for smarter, more sustainable performance gains throughout the year.

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Understanding Progressive Overload: What It Is and Why It Matters for Your Training

Periodization periodized training progressive overload train smarter training cycle training plan training tips

If you've ever worked with a coach or followed a training program, you may have heard the term progressive overload. It’s one of the most essential principles in any well-rounded training plan. But sometimes, it’s easy to get confused about what it actually means.

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