blog — HRT

The Hidden Hormonal Impact of Hysterectomy: What Women Need to Know

HRT menopausal marathoner menopausal runner surgical menopause younger menopausal runner

The belief that keeping your ovaries after a hysterectomy fully protects against early menopause is being challenged by emerging research. While every woman’s experience is unique, staying informed about potential hormonal shifts can help ensure better long-term health and well-being.

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Navigating Menopause and HRT: Busting the Myths

HRT menopausal marathoner menopausal runner surgical menopause weight gain younger menopausal runner

Menopause is a transformative stage in a woman's life that often comes with a myriad of changes, including weight gain. A common concern among women is whether hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will exacerbate this issue. Let's explore the nuanced relationship between HRT and weight gain, and debunk some myths along the way.

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