blog — self coaching

Are You Really Self-Coaching If You’re Crowdsourcing Information?

run coaching self coaching strength coaching

If you're gathering tips from podcasts, asking questions in running forums, or following influencers for training hacks, you might wonder: Am I truly coaching myself?

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Fitness Certifications That Support Women in Surgical Menopause

Coach Croft coaching run coaching running coach self coaching strength coaching

Supporting women in surgical menopause requires a deep understanding of their unique physiological and psychological needs. While specific certifications for surgical menopause are still lacking, the programs listed above provide a strong foundation for fitness professionals to enhance their knowledge and offer effective, compassionate care.

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When to Hire a Running Coach (And When You Might Not Need One)

certified run coach coaching Indigenous Coach menopausal strength coach run coaching self coaching strength coaching

Deciding whether to hire a running coach can feel like a big step. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s worth the investment, or if you’re “good enough” to work with a coach. Let me clear that up right away: coaching isn’t just for elites. It’s for anyone who wants to train smarter, improve their performance, or just enjoy running more.

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