blog — Native Women Running

Breaking Down Elitism in the Running Industry

diversity Indigenous Runners Native Women Running running diversity running industry diversity

Running is often seen as the most accessible sport. All you need is a pair of shoes, and you’re good to go. But if you’ve spent any time in the running world, you’ve probably noticed that there’s an undercurrent of elitism that makes the sport feel less welcoming than it should be.

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Understanding the Lack of Diversity in the Running Industry

diversity Indigenous Runners Native Women Running running diversity

Running is often celebrated as one of the most inclusive sports. All you need is a pair of shoes, and you’re off, right? The reality is more complicated.

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Why "Running is Not Therapy" is a Problematic Message—Especially for BIPOC Athletes

mental health Native Land Native Women Running nuance running culture running therapy

If you're like me, you’ve probably seen the phrase “running is not therapy” tossed around in some form or another. On the surface, it might sound like a well-intentioned reminder that running isn’t a substitute for professional mental health care. But as someone who works with runners, especially BIPOC athletes, I can’t help but think this message can be more harmful than helpful. Let’s break it down.

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Running on Sacred Ground: Honoring Indigenous Lands

Indigenous Runners marathon Marathon Majors Native Land Native Women Running WMM

As you race, remember the stories beneath your feet and the communities who have cared for these lands since time immemorial. Take a moment to explore and respect the Native lands you live on, race on, and recreate on.

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