blog — achilles tendonitis

Should You Run with an Injury? What to Do if You Have Tendonitis or a Torn Meniscus

achilles tendonitis running injury running through pain strength for runners strength training tendon health torn meniscus

Runners are a stubborn bunch. We’ll run through just about anything—until our body forces us to stop. But not every ache or injury means you have to quit training completely.

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Optimizing Tendon Health: Beyond Supplementation

achilles tendonitis collagen IT Band Syndrome

A well-structured rehabilitation program incorporating progressive loading, mobility work, and strategic supplementation is key to tendon recovery. This balanced approach not only aids in healing but also fortifies tendons against future injuries.

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Running Through Menopause: Tips for Tendon Health

achilles tendonitis menopausal marathoner menopausal runner plantar fasciitis surgical menopause tendon health younger menopausal runner

Menopause brings a variety of changes to a woman's body, and for athletes, these changes can significantly impact their running performance and tendon health. Understanding how menopause affects your tendons and making necessary adjustments can help you continue to thrive in your athletic pursuits.

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