blog — surgical menopause
The 7 Key Topics Every Masters and Menopausal Athlete Needs to Know
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If you’re a masters or menopausal athlete, you’ve probably felt the frustration of trying to train like you used to, only to be met with exhaustion, slower recovery, or injuries that seem to come out of nowhere. The truth is, your body is changing, and your training should evolve with it.
Magnesium: A Key Mineral for Menopausal Athletes
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Magnesium plays a critical role in supporting the health and performance of menopausal athletes. From improving muscle function and recovery to supporting bone health and managing stress, magnesium helps navigate the challenges menopause presents. In this post, I explore why magnesium is essential, what happens when you're deficient, and how supplementation can help optimize your performance. Ready to improve your training and well-being? Let’s work together to unlock your full potential.
Essential Research for Menopausal Athletes: What Science Says About Training, Performance, and Health
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Fortunately, research is evolving, providing valuable insights into how menopausal athletes can optimize their training, nutrition, and overall health. Below are five research-backed articles that explore the intersection of menopause and athletic performance.
Why Fitness Marketing Keeps Getting It Wrong With Women
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The fitness industry keeps dividing women into categories that don’t reflect real life. The assumption is that if you’re a mom, you train one way. If you’re menopausal, you train another. If you don’t fit either label, you’re left with messaging that doesn’t speak to you at all.
Why Transparency in Coaching Matters
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If a coach is giving advice about training through perimenopause and menopause, their personal experience with hormonal interventions matters. Are they using HRT? Have they managed symptoms naturally?