Breaking Down Elitism in the Running Industry
diversity Indigenous Runners Native Women Running running diversity running industry diversity
Running is often seen as the most accessible sport. All you need is a pair of shoes, and you’re good to go. But if you’ve spent any time in the running world, you’ve probably noticed that there’s an undercurrent of elitism that makes the sport feel less welcoming than it should be.
What Defines a Slow Runner vs. a Fast Runner?
Coach Croft run coaching slow runner turtle pace
Running isn’t just about speed; it’s about personal progress, consistency, and the joy of movement. But if you’re curious about what generally separates fast runners from slow ones, let’s break it down.
Why Do Doctors Refuse to Track Hormones When Everything Else Fluctuates Too?
blood testing hormone panel menopausal marathoner menopause menopause symptoms perimenopause
If you've ever asked your doctor about getting a hormone panel during perimenopause, chances are you were met with hesitation or a flat-out refusal. The reasoning?
How Long Should a Runner Recover from a Double Red Cell Donation?
recovery after blood donation runner blood donation
Should Runners Avoid Double Red Donations? Not necessarily. If you’re in the middle of a heavy training cycle or building toward a goal race, a double red donation probably isn’t the best choice. But if your schedule allows for the recovery time, it can be a great way to give back without sidelining your running long-term.
Why Ignoring Gait Analysis Could Be Holding You Back as a Runner
Chi Running heel striking injury prevention running form running injury
If you've ever worked with a physical therapist who dismissed gait analysis or said, "Don't worry about biomechanics, just run naturally," you might have walked away feeling a little confused. After all, running is natural, but that doesn't mean our mechanics are always working in our favor.