blog — nuance

Why Is It So Hard to See Nuance?

bias growth mindset mindset shift nuance

Lately, it feels like every conversation turns into an all-or-nothing debate. Either something is good or bad, right or wrong, helpful or harmful. But life doesn't work that way.

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Should Your FTP Be at Its Lowest in January?

FTP nuance periodized training train smarter not harder

By understanding how FTP fits into your annual training progression, you’ll set yourself up for smarter, more sustainable performance gains throughout the year.

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Why "Running is Not Therapy" is a Problematic Message—Especially for BIPOC Athletes

mental health Native Land Native Women Running nuance running culture running therapy

If you're like me, you’ve probably seen the phrase “running is not therapy” tossed around in some form or another. On the surface, it might sound like a well-intentioned reminder that running isn’t a substitute for professional mental health care. But as someone who works with runners, especially BIPOC athletes, I can’t help but think this message can be more harmful than helpful. Let’s break it down.

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Understanding the Difference Between Evidence-Based and Science-Based Approaches

coaching community critical thinking evidence based nuance run coaching science based strength coaching

When it comes to running, training, and performance, we often hear terms like "evidence-based" and "science-based." You might have noticed these terms floating around in articles, posts, or conversations among fellow runners. While they may seem similar, they actually have distinct meanings.

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Why the "Hatred" of Pseudoscience May Be Holding You Back in Training

Chi Running evidence based nuance pseudoscience science based

When it comes to training, we often hear the word “pseudoscience” thrown around as if it's something dangerous or wrong. We’ve all been there—rolling our eyes at the latest fitness fad or alternative remedy that seems too good to be true.

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