blog — medal monday
#medalmonday Jenks Aquarium Half
become a faster runner Coach Croft faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive jenks aquarium half life after hysterectomy medal monday menopausal marathoner menopausal runner races run happy
2018 Turkey Trot 5K
5k become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master fleet feet hustle run thrive life after hysterectomy medal monday menopausal runner races run happy run tulsa running Turkey Trot your pace or mine
#medalmonday - Little Rock Marathon
become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive little rock marathon medal monday races run happy throw back
Medal Monday - Route 66 Marathon
become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master hustle run thrive marathon masters running medal monday menopausal marathoner menopausal runner races route 66 marathon run happy running running coach
#medalmonday - @route66marathon was my 6th #halfmarathon and I ran it in memory of my friend Marcus. He passed away while running the Route in 2010. This race is a big deal for Tulsa but it’s extra special to me. 💕 Are you interested in coaching? Click here! Do you need help with your running form? Click here! Connect on social: Instagram: @coach.croft Facebook: @coach.croft
Medal Monday - Fayetteville Half Marathon
become a faster runner Coach Croft faster as a master fayetteville half marathon half marathoner hustle run thrive life after hysterectomy medal monday menopausal runner run happy