blog — running therapy

Why "Running is Not Therapy" is a Problematic Message—Especially for BIPOC Athletes

mental health Native Land Native Women Running nuance running culture running therapy

If you're like me, you’ve probably seen the phrase “running is not therapy” tossed around in some form or another. On the surface, it might sound like a well-intentioned reminder that running isn’t a substitute for professional mental health care. But as someone who works with runners, especially BIPOC athletes, I can’t help but think this message can be more harmful than helpful. Let’s break it down.

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Do You Really Need to Rage Run?

emotional intelligence mental health rage run running therapy

We’ve all been there. Something frustrates you, stress piles up, and before you know it, you’re lacing up your shoes and heading out the door, ready to run until you’ve burned off all that pent-up energy. The rage run is real, and sometimes, it works.

But is it the best way to handle stress? And more importantly, is it sustainable?

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