blog — WMM
Running on Sacred Ground: Acknowledging Indigenous Lands in the World Marathon Majors
berlin marathon boston marathon chicago marathon Indigenous Coach Indigenous Runners london marathon Marathon Majors Native Land new york marathon sacred lands Sydney Marathon tokyo marathon WMM
For many runners, the World Marathon Majors represent the pinnacle of racing. These six (now seven) iconic races take us through some of the most well-known cities in the world. But long before marathons and city streets, these lands had caretakers—Indigenous communities who lived, thrived, and continue to exist today.
Running on Sacred Ground: Honoring Indigenous Lands
Indigenous Runners marathon Marathon Majors Native Land Native Women Running WMM
The Hidden Struggles of Back-of-the-Pack Runners at World Marathon Majors
berlin marathon boston marathon chicago marathon london marathon new york marathon six star journey tokyo marathon WMM
The World Marathon Majors—Boston, New York, Chicago, Berlin, London, Tokyo, and now Sydney—are bucket-list races for many runners. These events bring together elites chasing records, mid-packers gunning for PRs, and thousands of everyday athletes who just want to cross the finish line. But for those at the back of the pack, race day can look and feel very different from the front.
Breaking Down the Barriers: The Boston Marathon + Inclusivity
boston marathon Elitism Gatekeeping marathon Marathon Majors WMM
Running for a Cause: Your Guide to Charity Marathons
boston marathon Charity Fundraisers marathon Marathon Majors WMM