blog — go beyond pace
9 Hidden Psychology Hacks to Boost Your Running Performance
go beyond pace growth mindset mental toughness mindset shift sports psychology train smarter not harder
Most runners focus on physical training—hitting the right mileage, nailing their workouts, dialing in their nutrition. But what if I told you there are powerful psychological effects at play in your training and racing that most people (and even most coaches) aren’t tapping into?
How to Build Emotional Strength as a Runner (Without Even Trying)
emotional intelligence go beyond pace growth mindset mental health mental toughness mindfulness mindset shift
Running isn’t just about putting in the miles. It’s about learning how to navigate discomfort, push through challenges, and stay steady when things get tough. That takes more than physical endurance. It takes emotional strength.
How Your Mindset Can Make or Break Your Running Performance
go beyond pace growth mindset limiting beliefs mental toughness mindfulness mindset shift self-fulfilling prophecy sports psychology
Have you ever told yourself, “I’m just not a strong runner,” or “I always fall apart in the last few miles”? If so, you might be experiencing a self-fulfilling prophecy—a belief that shapes your actions in a way that makes it come true.