blog — train smarter not harder

5 Common Causes of Plantar Fasciitis and How to Prevent It

plantar fasciitis running injury train smarter not harder

So what actually contributes to plantar fasciitis? Let’s break down five common culprits and what you can do to keep your feet happy and healthy.

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Running by Effort: How RPE and VDOT Pacing Work Together

RPE running by effort train smarter not harder training paces VDOT

If you've ever had a run where your goal pace felt impossible one day but effortless another, you're not alone. Weather, fatigue, stress, and even hydration levels can impact how your body performs.

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Racing Fitness vs. Training Fitness: Why They Aren’t the Same

become a faster runner certified run coach Coach Croft Indigenous Coach menopausal strength coach run coaching strength coaching train smarter not harder

If you’ve ever finished a race feeling like a superhero, only to struggle through a regular training run days later, you’ve experienced the difference between racing fitness and training fitness.

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Small Adjustments, Big Results: Why One Degree Matters in Running and Life

1% better growth mindset mindset shift train smarter not harder

Small adjustments, even ones that seem insignificant at first, add up over time. One percent stronger. One percent faster. One percent more efficient.

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Master the Basics Before You Invest in Super Shoes

running foundation super shoes train smarter not harder

The running world is buzzing about carbon-plated super shoes. Every major brand has them, and if you’ve watched a big race recently, you’ve seen them on the feet of pros and age-group runners alike.

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