blog — menopause clickbait

Why Transparency in Coaching Matters

menopausal marathoner menopausal runner menopausal strength coach menopausal symptoms menopause clickbait menopause symptoms perimenopause surgical menopause younger menopausal runner

If a coach is giving advice about training through perimenopause and menopause, their personal experience with hormonal interventions matters. Are they using HRT? Have they managed symptoms naturally?

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Authenticity in Coaching: How to Spot Real Expertise vs. Trend Chasing

Coach Croft menopausal marathoner menopausal runner menopausal strength coach menopause menopause clickbait perimenopause run coaching strength coaching surgical menopause younger menopausal runner

Menopause isn’t a clickbait topic. It’s a major physiological shift that affects training, recovery, and performance. Athletes navigating it deserve coaches who understand the science, not just those who are newly interested because they’re feeling the symptoms themselves.

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