Is HRT Natural? Let’s Break It Down

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If you’ve spent any time researching hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you’ve probably come across the debate about whether it’s "natural" or not. Some people feel strongly about only putting natural substances in their bodies, and I get it. But let’s take a step back and get really clear on what that actually means when it comes to HRT.

Do Hormones Grow on Trees?

Nope. The hormones used in HRT don’t come straight from plants or nature in their final form. You can’t just eat wild yams and expect your body to start producing progesterone. That’s not how it works.

What does happen is that certain plant compounds, like diosgenin from wild yams or soy, serve as a starting material. In a lab, scientists convert diosgenin into progesterone that is structurally identical to the progesterone your body makes. From there, it can also be further converted into estradiol, the primary estrogen used in bioidentical HRT.

What Does “Bioidentical” Actually Mean?

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones your body naturally produces. This is different from older synthetic hormones, which were similar but not exact matches. Because bioidentical hormones are the same at a molecular level, your body recognizes and processes them just like the ones it used to make.

But the key thing to remember is that just because they come from plant sources initially doesn’t mean they are natural in the sense of being extracted and used as-is. There’s a lab process involved.

Why Does This Matter?

If someone is avoiding HRT because they think it’s “not natural,” it’s important to get the facts straight. Your body doesn’t care whether your hormones were made in a lab—it cares that they function the same way as the ones you used to produce.

For those navigating perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause, understanding the role of hormones and whether HRT is right for you can make all the difference in how you feel day to day. It’s not about whether something is natural or synthetic; it’s about whether it works for your body and supports your goals.

Let’s Figure This Out Together

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there, you’re not alone. I work with menopausal athletes and active women who want to feel strong, capable, and energized, whether they choose HRT or not. If you have questions, let’s talk. I can help you make informed choices about your training, recovery, and overall health so you can keep showing up as the athlete you are.

Want to chat? Reach out and let’s find what works best for you.

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