blog — strength for runners

Time Under Tension: The Key to Strength and Muscle Growth

menopausal strength coach strength coaching strength for runners strength training time under tension

If you've spent any time in the gym or researching strength training, you've probably heard the term time under tension (TUT). It's often talked about in the context of muscle growth, but what does it actually mean?

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Foam Rolling for Runners: Is It Worth the Hype?

menopausal strength coach running rehab strength coaching strength for runners strength training

If you’ve been running for any length of time, you’ve probably heard someone mention foam rolling. Maybe you’ve even bought one, used it once or twice, and then let it collect dust in the corner.

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What Does It Mean to “Lift Heavy”?

masters running menopausal runner strength coaching strength for runners strength training

For menopausal athletes especially, lifting heavy can be a game-changer for longevity, energy, and overall performance. The key is to approach it with patience, strategy, and an emphasis on recovery.


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Should You Run with an Injury? What to Do if You Have Tendonitis or a Torn Meniscus

achilles tendonitis running injury running through pain strength for runners strength training tendon health torn meniscus

Runners are a stubborn bunch. We’ll run through just about anything—until our body forces us to stop. But not every ache or injury means you have to quit training completely.

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Strength Training Terms Runners Need to Know

hustle run thrive strength coaching strength for runners strength training

If you’re a runner stepping into the world of strength training, you’ve probably noticed that every movement seems to have at least three different names. One coach tells you to do Romanian deadlifts, another says RDLs, and someone else just calls them stiff-leg deadlifts. Are they different?

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