blog — injury prevention

Why Ignoring Gait Analysis Could Be Holding You Back as a Runner

Chi Running heel striking injury prevention running form running injury

If you've ever worked with a physical therapist who dismissed gait analysis or said, "Don't worry about biomechanics, just run naturally," you might have walked away feeling a little confused. After all, running is natural, but that doesn't mean our mechanics are always working in our favor.

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How Adjusting Your Running Form Can Improve Efficiency and Reduce Injuries

Chi Running heel striking injury prevention running form running performance

Research shows that small adjustments to stride length and mechanics can make a big difference in impact forces, energy efficiency, and injury prevention.

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Understanding the Difference Between Tibial Tendonitis and Shin Splints

injury prevention prehab running after injury running form running injury running rehab shin splints tibial tendonitis

Two of the most common complaints I hear from athletes are shin pain and discomfort along the lower leg. These symptoms are often tied to either tibial tendonitis or shin splints, but the two conditions can be tricky to tell apart.

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Easing Back into Strength Training Without Wrecking Your Runs

functional strength injury free injury prevention menopausal strength coach prehab rehab running after injury running injury running rehab strength coaching strength for runners strength training

If you’ve taken time off from strength training—whether it’s because of surgery, marathon recovery, or just life getting in the way—you’re not alone. Getting back into a routine can feel intimidating, especially if you’re worried about being too sore to run.

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How Chi Running Can Help You Run Stronger, Longer, and Injury-Free

Chi Running injury prevention run efficiently running form train smarter not harder

Most runners have been taught that running is supposed to be hard. That you just need to grind it out, push through the pain, and accept soreness and injury as part of the process. That’s simply not true. Running can feel easier. It can be more sustainable. It can leave you feeling energized instead of drained.

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