blog — strength coaching

The 7 Key Topics Every Masters and Menopausal Athlete Needs to Know

Coach Croft masters running menopausal marathoner menopausal runner menopausal strength coach run coaching running coach strength coaching surgical menopause younger menopausal runner

If you’re a masters or menopausal athlete, you’ve probably felt the frustration of trying to train like you used to, only to be met with exhaustion, slower recovery, or injuries that seem to come out of nowhere. The truth is, your body is changing, and your training should evolve with it.

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Are Coaches Missing the Bigger Picture?

challenging narratives Coach Croft coaching menopausal strength coach run coaching running coach strength coaching

Most coaches have a solid grasp of the basics—run more, build aerobic capacity, and do some strength work. But where many fall short is in understanding how the body actually adapts to training over time, especially for athletes who don’t fit the "typical" mold.

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The Power of Carrying Exercises: 10 Variations to Build Strength and Stability

menopausal strength coach strength coaching strength for runners strength training

When most people think about strength training, they picture heavy squats, deadlifts, or bench presses. But one of the most underrated ways to build full-body strength, core stability, and grip endurance is through carrying exercises.

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Can a Hip Labrum Tear Heal on Its Own? What You Need to Know

hip labrum tear menopausal strength coach prehab rehab running injury running issues running rehab running through pain strength coaching strength for runners strength training tendon health

If you're dealing with a hip labrum tear, you might be wondering if it can heal on its own. The short answer? Not usually. The hip labrum is a ring of cartilage around the socket of your hip joint, and it doesn’t have a great blood supply. That means once it’s torn, your body isn’t likely to repair it naturally. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with pain forever or that surgery is your only option.

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Time Under Tension: The Key to Strength and Muscle Growth

menopausal strength coach strength coaching strength for runners strength training time under tension

If you've spent any time in the gym or researching strength training, you've probably heard the term time under tension (TUT). It's often talked about in the context of muscle growth, but what does it actually mean?

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