blog — races
#medalmonday Jenks Aquarium Half
become a faster runner Coach Croft faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive jenks aquarium half life after hysterectomy medal monday menopausal marathoner menopausal runner races run happy
2018 Turkey Trot 5K
5k become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master fleet feet hustle run thrive life after hysterectomy medal monday menopausal runner races run happy run tulsa running Turkey Trot your pace or mine
#medalmonday - Little Rock Marathon
become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive little rock marathon medal monday races run happy throw back
Medal Monday - Route 66 Marathon
become a faster runner Coach Croft fall running faster as a master hustle run thrive marathon masters running medal monday menopausal marathoner menopausal runner races route 66 marathon run happy running running coach
#medalmonday - @route66marathon was my 6th #halfmarathon and I ran it in memory of my friend Marcus. He passed away while running the Route in 2010. This race is a big deal for Tulsa but it’s extra special to me. 💕 Are you interested in coaching? Click here! Do you need help with your running form? Click here! Connect on social: Instagram: @coach.croft Facebook: @coach.croft
2013 Tulsa Run 15K
15k Coach Croft faster as a master hustle run thrive masters running races run happy run squad running throw back tulsa run
#fbf to 2013’s @runtulsarun. At the time, this race was my #PR for the 15K distance. It’s always a super fun race, especially since it’s so close to Halloween. Lots of runners dress up and you’ll often find Batman (AKA the finish line photographer) at the finish line. Are you interested in coaching? Click here! Do you need help with your running form? Click here! Connect on social: Instagram: @coach.croft Facebook: @coach.croft