blog — mindfulness

Managing Race Day Anxiety: How to Stay Calm When It Matters Most

growth mindset mental toughness mindfulness mindset shift race anxiety race day nerves sports psychology

As your goal race approaches, it’s natural to feel a bit of anxiety creeping in. Your training is peaking, you’ve put in the hard work, and now the weight of it all can start to feel a little overwhelming.

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How to Build Emotional Strength as a Runner (Without Even Trying)

emotional intelligence go beyond pace growth mindset mental health mental toughness mindfulness mindset shift

Running isn’t just about putting in the miles. It’s about learning how to navigate discomfort, push through challenges, and stay steady when things get tough. That takes more than physical endurance. It takes emotional strength.

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How Your Mindset Can Make or Break Your Running Performance

go beyond pace growth mindset limiting beliefs mental toughness mindfulness mindset shift self-fulfilling prophecy sports psychology

Have you ever told yourself, “I’m just not a strong runner,” or “I always fall apart in the last few miles”? If so, you might be experiencing a self-fulfilling prophecy—a belief that shapes your actions in a way that makes it come true.

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Low-level #depression

anxiety depression endo warrior endometriosis awareness hustle run thrive hysterectomy recovery life after hysterectomy menopausal marathoner menopausal runner mental health mindfulness self care take time for yourself

The very real side of #lifeafterhysterectomy for me has included a low-level #depression....

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active recovery become a faster runner Coach Croft cross training endo warrior endometriosis awareness hustle run thrive hysterectomy recovery life after hysterectomy meditation menopausal marathoner menopausal runner mindfulness mobility yoga

I used to incorporate #yoga into my schedule a few times a week....

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