blog — menopausal strength coach
Prehab vs. Rehab: How to Keep Running Strong and Injury-Free
menopausal strength coach prehab rehab running injury running rehab strength coaching strength for runners strength training
Running is about more than just logging miles. The work you do outside of your runs matters just as much. Whether you're staying ahead of injuries with prehab or recovering wisely with rehab, investing in your body now will pay off in the long run.
What I’ve Learned from Coaching Menopausal Runners
Coach Croft masters running menopausal marathoner menopausal runner menopausal strength coach perimenopause run coaching strength coaching surgical menopause younger menopausal runner
Menopause changes the game for runners, but it doesn’t mean performance has to decline. Over the years, I’ve coached menopausal athletes through fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, and strength loss—while watching them get stronger, faster, and more resilient.
The Ultimate Guide to Marathon Training for Master’s Runners
Coach Croft masters running menopausal marathoner menopausal runner menopausal strength coach perimenopause run coaching running coach strength coaching surgical menopause younger menopausal runner
Marathon training as a master’s runner (40+) isn’t just a copy-paste version of what worked in your 20s and 30s.