blog — younger menopausal runner


become a faster runner Coach Croft faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive masters running menopausal runner mental toughness PR prairie fire marathon run happy running in the rain younger menopausal runner

#PR doesn’t always mean hitting a time goal...

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Transformation Tuesday

become a faster runner Coach Croft faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive hysterectomy recovery joplin memorial run life after hysterectomy masters running menopausal runner running throw back transformation tuesday younger menopausal runner

The thing I love about running is how much you evolve without even realizing it...

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Brain training for runners

become a faster runner brain training for runners Coach Croft faster as a master hustle run thrive masters running mental toughness running running coach younger menopausal runner

I knew for a long time that my mind was the one major thing holding me back in the final miles of races...

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A very soggy half marathon

Coach Croft faster as a master half marathoner hustle run thrive life after hysterectomy masters running menopausal runner prairie fire marathon running running in the rain younger menopausal runner

This race was my own personal Boston experience. Rain drops began to fall with the sound of the starting gun and didn’t stop...

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Prairie Fire Half Marathon

Coach Croft half marathoner hustle run thrive life after hysterectomy masters running menopausal runner prairie fire marathon running throw back younger menopausal runner

#tbt to last year’s #prairiefirehalfmarathon...

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